
Nursery 1 (2 to 3 years old)

Most children in the class have spent little time away from their parents and this is understandably stressful for both.
This doesn't last long however as children quickly enjoy making friends, playing with toys, and interacting with others.
Depending on the time of birth, the growing process, and the home environment, children perform differently in classes.
Some young children are unable to properly use a toilet, or hit others as a means of expressing themselves because they cannot verbally express their feelings.
The N1 class gives intensive attention to the care and observation of each child's behavior.
We keep classes small to enable us to instruct children individually in the use of the toilet, how to take a nap, keep themselves clean, and tidy up the room.
In addition, they will soon be able to hold a pencil, start drawing shapes, and even write both upper and lower case alphabets.
We have carefully organized programs so that children enjoy learning without too much burden on them and enough breaks for relaxation to reenergize concentration
Classes are organized into fifteen- minute blocks so that even small children can keep their concentration.
We anticipate that children will be able to do basic things independently before reaching the age of four.

Nursery 1(2歳児クラス)

このクラスは親と離れた環境を初めて体験する児童がほとんどです。朝の通学時、親と離れる時に泣く子供も少なくありません。 一方、保護者のお見送りが終わるとスクールに入るやいなや、遊具やお友達を探し夢中で遊ぶ子供もいます。
このクラスは月齢、成長過程、家庭での家族の関わり方でも個人差があります。自立していた排泄の失敗があったり、お友達とけんかをして、言葉がまだ発言できない分、たたいたりして意思を伝えようとする幼児もいます。 N1クラスでは特に一人ひとりの状況を把握した保育が必要です。このクラスではクラス全体人数より更に小さなグループサークルに分け個別に指導が出来るようレッスンを行います。
生活面では排泄、睡眠、清潔習慣、片づけなどの日常生活の基本習慣を身につけていきます。学習面では講師の質問にうなずき、返事をして意欲的に行動します。 鉛筆をしっかりもちサークルから絵を描き始め、アルファベットも小文字・大文字が書けるようになります。十分なリラックスできる時間と休憩をとりながら、子供たちが楽しみながら集中できるようプログラム構成されています。

Nursery 2 (3 years old class)

A three-year-old child is considered to gain the basic movements of walking, running, jumping and throwing or kicking balls.
We focus on physical exercise with sports and rhythmic gymnastics As vocabulary increases the better a child's ability to adapt, adjust, and think also grows.
This is the first stage to build up their bodies, characters and learn to do things independently.
This forms the foundation of their future lifestyle.
We believe that children should not only be instructed but also learn be motivated and aware of the importance of comfort, convenience and values.
Children in the 3-year-old class share many things together with their friends and soon experience the pleasure of learning and playing together. By gaining repeated feelings of happiness, children will result in building better relationships with others.

Nursery 2(3歳児クラス)

教え込んで一定の生活ルールを身につければよいというのではなく、子供の能動的な意欲を大切にしながら達成感や生活習慣を身につけることでの「心地よさ」や「便利さ」「価値」などを理屈で理解し、 身につけることを目指しています。 3歳時クラスでは友達同士で楽しい事をたくさん共有し、「遊び、学ぶ、喜び」をひろげます。 楽しいという共感的な感情を積み重ねることで、人のつながりを大切にし、おもいやり、いたわれる事が出来る人間育成をしていく事につながります。

Kinder 1

The environment of kindergarten is a big changes from that of nursery.
Instructors standing at a whiteboard while children learn to sit at their desk and listen to a person speaking.
Lessons include cooking, street dance, violin, outdoor photography, sketching, arts and crafts, and science experiments which many children find interesting and of practical use.
Other subjects like Japanese and World History and long sentence comprehension are added from to the latter part of the class.
Children receive exercise in PE class using equipment such as the vaulting horse, jump rope, athletics bar, balls, etc.
Our school provides lessons to prepare students for Eiken, Junior Eiken, Kanken and foreign language (Arabic/French) tests and we take official exams to measure progress.
Regarding Japanese, native speaking children will also study Japanese in classes based on Japanese elementary school textbooks.

Kinder 1


Kinder 2

The first step towards acquiring a cosmopolitan outlook towards society is to be able to express one's thoughts.
Children in K2 begin applying the subjects they learned in K1.
They begin with an excellent early childhood education program of English, French, Arabic, Math and Japanese.
Besides addition, subtraction, and multiplication children will be able to understand basic fractions and figures (geometry).
They will also be able to read Japanese with Chinese characters up to the first grade of Japanese elementary school.
Environmental issues and problems are discussed and studied in English.
Classes focus on discussions among students, group presentations, and the exchange of opinions in each subject.
So they can build up their ability to express themselves.
These are very different styles from the recital learning method taught in Japanese school.
Students at this point will grow out of "child talk" and be able to speak English with native fluency for daily conversation, speak politely and respectfully in Japanese and have basic French and Arabic abilities.

Kinder 2

英語、フランス語、アラビア語、数学、日本語は、特に優れた幼児教育を実施します。 算数では、足し算、引き算、かけ算はもちろん、分数、図形総合学習、日本語学習では、漢字の含まれる小学校一年生レベルの教科書がしっかり読めるようになります。環境問題についても英語で学びます。


The ADK (advanced kindergarten) class is provided for the most advanced students in the pre-school classes.
Only students who excel both physically and academically, being set to launch out into the world, will join these classes.
They will study at the same level as grade 2 in America and 2nd-3rd grades in Japanese elementary school. ADK class also supports students in preparing for future schooling.

ADK (Advance Kinder class)



The ADJ (advanced junior elementary) class is designed to enhance and expand the learning of students already attending elementary school.
Students study the Grade 3 level of ementary school in the U.S and grades 3 through 6 in Japan.
This class will develop students setting out into the world.
ADJ students who are up to 13 years old can join full day spring and summer camp or autumn and winter schools.

ADJ (Advance Junior Elementary)

ADJ(アドバンスジュニアエレメンタリー)は、小学校低学年、又は就学前より英語学習を実施してきたアフタークラスやサタデークラスの子供たちが学習するクラスです。 アメリカのG3、日本の小学校3~6年生までの学習に取組み、心身ともに磨かれた、世界に羽ばたく力を持った児童が学びます。

ACAD class (Scholarship system)

This class is arranged for students attending 1st through 6th grades of elementary school. Qualified students must have the ability to hold general conversations in English as well as being able to use English in dairy conversation, gain over 650 in TOEFL Junior and pass Eiken Pre-2 level. Students will acquire skill levels above grade 3 in English and math, as well as independent study and research skills.
Students in ACAD class are encouraged to study independently in the study room when not used for lessons.
Students in ACAD class will study English and Japanese literature, Kanken, Science, Math, Japanese Speed-reading, and violin class.
If our practice room is available on days that students don't have lessons, they are encouraged to study independently and teachers are always available to assist.

ACAD (Academic class) - Scholarship -

ACAD(アカデミッククラス)では小学校1~6年生までの小学生の中で、自ら積極的に学ぶ姿勢を持ち、学習面に限らず生活面も指導を受け、スクールの模範となる生徒の育成を目指しています。 対象はスターブレインズで1年(12ヶ月)以上学習し、日常英会話が可能かつ、TOEFL Junior スコア650点以上、英検準2級合格以上、G3以上の英語力と算数学習を習得し、自主学習、学習研究が可能な生徒が学ぶクラスです。
ACADクラスは、英語総合学習(G3以上のlistening、reading、spelling、grammar)をはじめとし、ヴァイオリンレッスン、算数、自習室を利用して英文学、科学、漢検対策学習、日本文学、CG、 日本語スピードリーディングの学習などを指導致します。